
¡Conoce el curso International Corruption de la especialidad de Ciencia Política y Gobierno!


La especialidad de Ciencia Política y Gobierno comparte con la comunidad el curso International Corruption, que se desarrollará el próximo ciclo 2022-2. Podrán matricularse alumnos de nuestra Facultad así como estudiantes que pertenezcan a la Red Peruana de Universidades. En el caso de alumnos de otras especialidades que deseen tomar el curso, sus solicitudes de excepción serán evaluadas.


Profesoras: Yamilé Guibert y Denisse Rodríguez
Horario: Martes, de 10 a.m. a 1 p.m.

El curso se dictará en inglés

The content of this course is concerned with understanding and interrogating corruption and anti-corruption in the new global order. The idea of fighting corruption to achieve greater political, economic and social development marked the past decades. Governments, international organisations and civil society alike join forces to curb this phenomenon across the globe. Nonetheless, it is fair to argue that it is still problematic, and thus, a need for a better understanding of the theoretical and policy implications of anti-corruption strategies.

This class takes students through an exploration of the political, economic, and cultural dimensions of corruption, drawing upon political science and international development literature. We begin by learning key concepts in corruption while contextualising international politics since the 1980s: political conditionality, good governance, non-state actors, and the international anti-corruption community, among others.
